Living the inspired life means living with purpose, meaning, and intentionality. It means living out our callings. It means choosing to LIVE and not just be carried along by the circumstances of life. Join me as I Live the Inspired Life- I pray you'll be inspired, too!
I am a follower of Jesus Christ and also have the privilege of being a pastor's wife and mother of 4 children. I currently homeschool the oldest three. I have BIG dreams- the first of which is to rear amazing children. That is my current season of life.
Well, two posts almost simultaneously! But we just returned from seeing the movie Fireproof. YOU MUST GO SEE IT NOW!!!! :) This is its opening weekend- and we want to show Hollywood with the first weekend that we will go see good Christian films! And this is a FABULOUS Christan movie. I cannot recommend it highly enough! PLEEEEASE go see it! Pretty please!!! I guarantee, you won't be sorry!
So... one day after hauling 4 kids around Walmart, an aching back from pushing the three hundred pound cart (there were tons of groceries, but 3 kids in or on the cart and a 4th in a front pack- maybe it just fELt like 300...) and then heaving the bags one by one into the van. I had seen a banner on about groceries. I decided I must look into this alternate way of shopping! Now, after almost a year of using Amazon Prime- I wanted to tell you about it and how it has helped me. First, you may want to know- what is Amazon Prime? It is basically a shipping membership. You pay a standard yearly fee for unlimited 2-day shipping. Specifically the benefits are: 1. Unlimited FREE Two-Day Shipping on millions of items 2. Overnight Shipping upgrades for only $3.99 per item 3. Shopping with no minimum order size 4. Ability to share benefits with up to 4 household members 5. 1 Month Free Trial
I don't know if you shop on much- I did and still do. I find it very convenient for... just about everything. Started with books, and used books, then electronics, all gifts- kids and adults, and now I even buy groceries. With Amazon Prime- all your shipping is 2 day- so if I order it this morning, it will be here on Monday morning. And, only once in the entire year has something been a day late! And, if I need something tomorrow- I can pay $3 or 4 and have it here the next day. I used to spend the $25 to get free shipping- but honestly, I spent a lot more money that way than I have with having Amazon Prime- now I don't buy things I don't really need just to make the $25 mark- I buy only what I need, when I need it and I don't worry about the shipping. Now, if Walmart is easy and convenient and you don't mind running over there every time you need something (as it used to be for me)- this may hold no benefit for you. But, if it is not close or convenient as it isn't for me and you do a lot of online shopping- I encourage you to look into it! It has brought a great ease to my life and has been a huge help! So, I began getting things like a case of GF macaroni and a case of Juicy Juice (100% jice and no sugar added!) concentrate. Now I get diapers dropped off once a month, a case of TP once every 6 months, using their subscription service. These bigger items I don't even have to mess with at the store. Now, I just shop locally for meat and produce and other smaller things. But, I use it for much more than groceries...purchasing gifts, diapers, Bible study books for the group, all delivered day after tomorrow with no more shipping than my yearly fee. So, I shared Mvelopes with you- now, my experience with Amazon Prime. If it would save you time and money- check into it here.
If not- ignore, or tell someone with 4 kids who doesn't like to shop! :) Love you all!
Star of the week is... (drumroll please...) ANYA! :)
Well, Ani says to me this morning- "Mom! I wrote a new song, wanna hear it?" OF COURSE I do! :) and after one hearing I grabbed the camera and made her do it again. So... here it is! (Hope is playing tamborine with me in worship tomorrow- and singing a one line solo tag at the end of a song- so, Anya isn't really the only star of the family! Didn't want anyone to think I'm playing favorites!)
And... they were all playing "church" this afternoon- communion and all- and though fed his lines by Hope, Josiah was the presiding pastor. They made Ryan and I come sit on the "pews", sing, pray, listen to a sermon, and take communion! The candles were "lighted" and "unlighted" at the appropriate times signaling the beginning and end of the service as well! Too Cute! Have a relaxing and worshipful Sabbath tomorrow- Katherine
Just a quick note- I put in a bunch of my fav worship music. Unfortunately, it only plays a snipet. (When I figure out how to just have great background music all the time- I will!)- - - but for now, it's SOMETHING! :) Scroll down to the "Fav. Current Worship Music" and click the big arrow in the middle- then continue reading! Enjoy!
Also- have heard some questions about The Shack. I will be doing a written analysis for those who may have questions. It will be a story spoiler I'm sure- so- don't read it until you read the book! You are all totally capable of reading this book and making sound judgments- so don't be scared by others criticisms. Look at the underlying message of the reviewer. Look forward to sharing dialogue together about it!
Last- new slideshow with a few pics from our 10th Anniv trip to Daytona Beach. Ahh... the beach... Much love ~katherine
Hello friends! It's day 2 of the new school year... and I'm finally posting! I have 3 posts I'd like to do, but I'll just roll them into one here. First, get the book The Shack! I read it in Florida and it was really life-changing. My husband and dear friend are both reading it now. I'd love to have more of you to dialogue about it with!
2nd- You must watch Steven Curtis Chapman and his family talk about the loss of their daughter Maria Sue. It moved us for 2 days.
After that, follow this link to get to parts 2 through 6. After watching each part, look to the right under "Related Videos" for the link to the next part. It is SO worth your time!!!
We had a WONDERFUL trip to FL last month to celebrate our 10th anniversary! I HIGHLY recommend it. How good for the soul to spend a few days by the pool or beach listening to laughter, waves, and wonderful praise music on the mp3, reading and journaling, and letting the soul just be. And reconnecting with one's spouse- is priceless. As my husband says, "The grass is not greener on the other side. The grass is greener where you WATER IT!"- don't forget to water your marriage- somehow!!!
I've updated the books I'm reading--- and MAN! Are they good! I've finished most of them now, and am in "Coaching Your Kids...". It's fabulous! We must be discipling our children--- it is the highest calling of EVERY parent!
Last, how are you coming with clarifying your calling? Are you working to make your calendar reflect your calling and your goals? Are you working to put your time where your heart is? I hope so! It's a process... I know! Well, we've finished 2 days of homeschool- and so far so good! It's going well, but I need to use the timer to keep to the time I've allotted. We went a little long today. I pray that wherever you are- and wherever your kids are- you're having a good week getting back to learning- what a privilege it is! I love you all! ~Katherine
Remembering Pastor Bob (1940 - 2019)
It is with great sadness that I share the news of the heavenly homegoing of
our dear friend and former pastor, my mentor and ministry partner, Bob
Eckler o...
What does it really mean to be “pro-life?”
A few years ago, God began to stir my heart in regard to what it looks like
to be “pro-life.” Or, maybe I should say “holistically pro-life.” Prior to
Culture Shock
The following is a testimony from Anne Soh, an advocate of GOV and a dear
friend. Anne had the privilege of spending time in the UK with her family
and was...
Spare time to pray for your children
It seems that my quiet time is all too frequently gone before I’ve had time
to get to some of the intercession I want to do for my children. For a few