I am not an accountant by nature, as many of you know. I like organization, however, though it often escapes me. For about 3 years now, I have been trying to get our "stuff" organized- by stuff, I mean things like tax records, insurance, health records, vehicle records, etc. I have file folders to file away statements, but things that need a little more interaction have just piled up. Finally, I have what I'm calling my home manager's notebook. I have tabs for 1) Administrative with information on savings goals and records, cash envelope alotments and records, and non-monthly expenses to be planned for. 2) Tax Rcords (we're supposed to keep a lot of these b/c of clergy's self-employed tax status) for health expenses, mileage, and other deductible items. 3) Health (with a sub-tab for each kids w/ vaccination records, meds taken, allergic reactions, etc. 4)Assets for vehicle and electronics information, service records, etc. and 5) House/Parsonage with insurance policy, septic and heat servicing records, etc. Now my great challenge will be to keep it up- or keep up with it! :) The goal is to sit down (weekly ideally) and enter receipts, write down tax records info, file the stuff that needs filing, and do the stuff that needs doing. Here's my question for you...
How do you keep these things organized? Hanging files? Notebook? Drawer? Fireplace? And what is your system or schedule for getting this stuff done? :) Give me all your good tips!!! Obviously- I need them!
Trying to be the best I can be!
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