Christmas Giving...

Well, I've been scouring websites and catalogs and racking my brain for the perfect gift for my kids for Christmas. This is an elusive and tricky task when considering all they'll be given in grand total. However- I have decided to adopt the rule I read about online several times tonight- 3 gifts only. If 3 gifts were good enough for the baby Jesus- then 3 are good enough for us! One will be chosen of the things they circled in catalogs, one will be a gift to Samaritan's Purse (perhaps with an accompanied related gift?)- check it out... , and last, something that I pick that I think they will like. I'm going to shift my bigger gift(s) to their birthdays when we are celebrating them! It's just too easy to get caught in the competition- of finding something they'll really like, that will stand out above the many other gifts and actually get used more than the 5 sec before the next gift is opened! Happy Shopping!!!

Josiah's birthday...

Well, honestly, I think this is a little lame, but... I'm doing it anyway. For the sake of ease and convenience, I've put a few things on a wish list for Josiah on If you click on this link, it will show you the list. This is by no means exhaustive, I just picked out a few themes... the vehicles mat and some more vehicles (he has one set already), a Thomas mat with a few trains, some mega block sets to enliven the set we have, and a laptop for toddlers which I think he would REALLY like- when the girls play with theirs, he feels left out and wants one. You may be wondering if I've made them for Christmas for the other kids and the answer is yes. They're not as full as his though. It takes... TIME! :) Ok, sorry for the lameness...


We heard a wonderful message on the ministry of Authority today in church. To listen to it- go to . There were 5 main points... 1) come under the authority of Jesus as Lord and master, 2) Listen and obey, 3) Find covering (there is protection when we come under God-given authority), 4) Basic Training- times when we learn to be under authority, and 5) the Exercise of authority in our own right. CHECK IT OUT! :)

A thought that's been coming to me a lot during the last few weeks is that of body clutter. I've been working hard to eliminate household clutter- and from FlyLady, the concept of body clutter has been really sticking with me! :) I'd like to be able to say that I've completely stopped allowing future body clutter to pass through my lips- but the fundamental problem of loving the taste still exists- but I AM thinking about it more and in a new way- this is a step in the right direction! Blessings on your week-

Living the Inspired Life...

To me, living the inspired life- means living with purpose. It means making choices and doing things for a reason- not just being pulled along in life, helpless and controlled by all of life's circumstances. The inspired life has a call and seeks to fulfill that calling, moment by moment, day by day. Join me in living the inspired life! God bless your day.