Clarify your calling...

Hello out there-
I'm sorry I've been so lax lately- lots of great company and traveling! Amidst it all, during my coaching sessions, I've been clarifying my calling. My calling is to our home as wife, mother, homeschool teacher, and pastor's wife and also to discipleship, first discipling our children, next looking at discipleship at the church and how it can improve.

What are your callings? Does your calendar reflect your callings? I'm learning to see that if my reality doesn't match my philosophy, then one has to change. If I say my calling is to the home but I spend all my time at home working on outside projects then I either need to be realistic and honest that my calling and priority is the outside poject (volunteering, whatever, you fill in the blank) or pare down my commitments so that I really am spending my time focusing on my home.

So, as we clarify our callings, let's use that mission statement (unofficial though it may be) to say NO to things that though they are GREAT things in and of themselves, will rob us of the joy of fulfilling the hope of our calling- and doing it WELL!!!

Blessings as you spend a quiet hour alone in the car with an ice cream cone praying about your calling and what commitments this fall will actually help you fulfill it! I will pray that you and I will hear the voice of the One doing the calling, not the one with all the excuses and justifications... but who else will do it? but what if that program doesn't happen? but, but, but... But, we'll never have this time back with our families. Someday, they will be grown and gone and we can volunteer ALL our time away...


Dawn said...

You are so right. The time with our families, especially our kids, is so precious and goes so quickly. As I had read in a book a few months ago, "you have to say no to the good to be able to say yes to the exceptional". There are many good causes and volunteer opportunities out there but if we're saying yes to all of those without really listening to what God wants us to be doing, we could be closing a door on something exceptional that God has planned for us. Thank you for posting this and reminding me to seek God's calling out in my life. I love you and am glad that you had a great time with Ryan's family. Take care and Jesus Bless you. Dawn

Frances Clements said...

My callings are virtually the same as yours except that I am not a pastor's wife. I am on the missions committee and am really feeling called to start a social activism group at my church.

I say a big amen to the discipling of our children. So many parents seem to think that will happen by accident.